Sunday, February 2, 2014

Trimalcheo Grand Feast

The dinner of Trimalchio was basically a big show and tell. He wasted no time trying to impress everyone with his endless supply of food options, extravagant side entertainment shows, and boasting stories. I couldn’t help but internally roll my eyes every time he would order yet another course to be brought to the table.  I wondered if the guests would ever ask for the food to stop, but it never happened.  It was interesting to read about the lavish lifestyle of the rich then and compare it to the rich now.  It seems that there are not many differences between the times. If you were to look at the behaviors of the wealthy today I am sure you would find them similiar  to the antics of Trimalchio. From the way he did not hesitate to degrade anyone who he deemed below him, to the way he told and twisted stories to make him seem more favorable and greater than thou. I would not be surprised to find this attitude in people of the highest upper class today. I honesty thought that Trimalcheo seemed very unhappy and almost bored throughout the whole thing, which I thought was interesting because, according to society today, he should have been the happiest man in the world. Maybe being rich and powerful and eating 26 course meals isn't as great as it's cracked up to be? 


  1. I liked you blog...the clip from the pbs website I really enjoyed looking at!

  2. I really liked the way you worded your blog! I never thought about him being unhappy but now that you say that, I can see it.
