Monday, January 27, 2014


After watching food inc. , and inside chipotle, I feel that something that we should be asking ourselves is how can we change the food industry? This is a very important question because what we put in our bodies on a daily basis has a really big effect on our life expectancy and health. However, with the United States itself being responsible for over 52.2  billions of pounds of meat annually, It would take a lot more time and money to grow food traditionally. Since traditional farmers and farms can no longer meet the outrageously high demand for meat they have become the big corporation owned factories we see today. Farmers no longer identify themselves as farmers, they’re manufacturers, they’re making a product. With so much of our food containing GMO’s and growth hormones, amongst other diseases that come with the slaughterhouse conditions, we should not be surprised at the effects it will have on our bodies. With heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart attacks on the rise you would think this would be a big issue in our country, but it isn’t.  What’s worse is we’re creating new forms of E.coli that’s killing people. E.coli 015 H:7 is deadly bacteria that is transferred by eating undercooked meat, contaminated fruits and vegetables, drinking un-pasteurized milk or juice. This bacterium is completely preventable by drastically improving the conditions of farms and slaughterhouses. Animals need to be put back on their natural diet and allowed to live out in the sun, how they would naturally. The big corporations don’t support going back to old school farming, the modern way is cheaper and easier for them, but it is a dirtier and un- humane way of making food.  People who doubt this idea should really watch inside chipotle, it is such a good example of what more restaurants and companies should be doing.  Chipotle is a company that has successfully become a leading food chain using only organic, locally grown meat and produce. As a former employee of chipotle it makes me happy to know that all I was told during my employment there was actually true. The point of this is that a solution to this really big problem is fairly simple. I think the only obstacle is the big corporations who own everything and getting enough people to stand up to them and demand higher quality. The reason I think this is intimidating is because when you take a look at this website, and realize that it’s not only our food that is being controlled by a small group, but our media and our money as well.  I could talk about this forever, but I very strongly feel that we need to seriously re-evaluate who we’re giving all this power to. I can only hope that my generation of politicians and world – leaders are less greedy and power hungry than the ones leading this country today. 


  1. Your picture really says it all. That's astonishing. I was worried about the Inside Chipotle documentary. I didn't watch that one, but I was really hoping it wasn't going to reveal something secretly awful about the way they run their company!

  2. I couldn't agree with you more, I think that it is very important that we, as THE consumers, re-evaluate who we are giving our money to. If we keep buying things that keep these awful corporations alive we are simply doing that, keeping them alive. I would like to see change and I will therefore do what I can to bring it upon us.
