Monday, February 24, 2014

Jungle pt. 2

As The Jungle progresses it seems that Jurgis and his family cannot seem to catch a break. They are being  shamelessly used and abused by the meat packing industry and it makes their situation so unbelievably desperate I felt the desperation the characters felt as i was reading. When Jurgis discovers what Connor had been doing to his wife, he completely loses it and seeks revenge, which is what lands him in jail. Jurgis being in jail was probably one of the worst things that could have happened. He is the only working male and a main provider, and he was stuck in jail for over a month. During this time, Ona became sick and stopped going to work, the others got snowed in and were unable to go to work as well and this results in the whole family losing their home and the life they worked so hard to attain. It was especially sad to read about their misfortunes because it seemed like a lot of the family members didn't understand anything as it was going on, and had nobody outside of their group to rely on. Without Jurgis, the family has lost everything. The children have lost their hope and happiness as well as the adults and it seems that chasing the american dream had completely drained these people, that I'd be surprised of they still aspired to become Americans. Reading about the struggle of Jurgis and his family really gave me some disappointment in America, and it changed her persona from being a land o opportunity to a land of imprisonment, life-work and disappointment and struggle. I can only hope that things see improvement for the family from here on out, but the chances of that happening appear to be very slim. 

1 comment:

  1. The optimistic feeling you get when you start reading kind of goes away as the story unfolds.. It can be tough to read at times
