Monday, February 17, 2014


Restaurants generate a lot of waste on a daily basis. They tend to throw out a lot of food due to small errors. While I can understand in some situations where the food must absolutely be thrown out, but there are plenty of cases in which the food could be salvaged. With the significant amount of hungry people in this world you would think that food waste would have no place in the modern world. So I am proposing, we begin taxing restaurants and other food operations based on the amount of waste they produce. By giving corporations the chance to avoid paying higher taxes, they would be more motivated to make it a goal to be less wasteful. We could have the managers turn in a nightly count of the weight of waste they had. Companies would have to figure out different techniques that will help them cut down on waste. They could try and order more approximate estimates of food orders, or possible even learn how to manage food use and storage in a more efficient manner. Even simply donating excess food to nearby shelters/people in need would help cut down waste a lot as well.  If we taxed corporations per pound of waste, we can significantly impact the amount of waste they are producing on a daily basis. Money is one of the most important things to most of these business and if they can somehow end up with jus a tiny bit more than they expected, I’m sure they’d be willing to do anything.


  1. I like the idea of taxing these food corporations based up the amount of waste they produce.. it sounds very simple yet will be very effective.

  2. I agree with Dan, I feel like this would actually work and be effective.
